National Bank of Fujairah today announce the launch of a scholarship program
National Bank of Fujairah Launches Scholarship Program with HCT Fujairah to Achieve Emiratisation Objectives
National Bank of Fujairah today announced the launch of a scholarship program, recognizing its important role in contributing to the development of the United Arab Emirates' (UAE) human resources. The program will target students who are enrolled in the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) in Fujairah and will be awarded to three UAE national students per year.
This latest initiative by NBF is a continuation of the bank's ongoing efforts to support the UAE's national Emiratisation initiatives, which in the past resulted in directly training and employing over 140 UAE Nationals at the bank.
"Over the years we have seen an increasing number of young talent emerging from the UAE's higher education institutions. Our approach has been to work directly with such institutions and to provide scholarship programs aimed at motivating and attracting young Emaratis into the banking sector," said Asad Ahmed, General Manager of the National Bank of Fujairah. "Our announcement today emphasizes that relationship, and provides the students with the opportunity to gain insight and training in the banking sector one year before they graduate from their college." We intend to extent this partnership and other educational initiatives."
As a prerequisite for eligibility, students must be in their third or fourth year at the College, and have achieved at least a 2.5 Grade Point Average (GPA). NBF's Human Resources Department would then screen and interview applicants to source those students who can demonstrate high potential and aptitude in their chosen field of study.
"At HCT in Fujairah we strive to maintain the highest educational standards to equip our student body with the essential tools to be able to compete and excel in today's dynamic employment market," said Dr. Bill Williams from HCT Fujairah. "Our new partnership with the National Bank of Fujairah will provide our students with a chance to work for one of the leading local banks in the country. The high selection standards and strict procedures put in place by NBF will surely provide a challenge for our students. A challenge we are certain they will meet with enthusiasm and vigor."
The Higher College of Technology (HTC) was established in 1988 and has experienced tremendous growth over the past years. Presently, the number of graduates is well over 4,000.
About National Bank of Fujairah
National Bank of Fujairah (NBF) ( was established in 1982 in Fujairah, United Arab Emirates. Its key shareholders include the Government of Fujairah and the Government of Dubai.
The existing branch network is composed of ten branches throughout UAE, with plans to increase the number of branches up to 13 by the end of 2007. NBF is listed on the Abu Dhabi Stock Market under the symbol "NBF".
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